How to Fix Error Code 404: Step-by-Step Guide

fix Error Code 404

A 404 error notice occurs when one of your website’s landing pages is not found. It is similar to attempting to locate a book in a library only to discover that it is not there. This might drive away visitors and detract from the search engine rankings of your web page. Studies show that 74% of visitors to a website depart after seeing a 404 error. Resolving these issues is essential to keeping visitors happy while making search engines reach every page on your website. We’ll go over how to quickly fix Error Code 404 issues in this post so that your website continues to thoroughly.

Identifying 404 Notations

The Importance of a 404 Error

If the server can locate the requested page, it returns an HTTP status code 404. It serves as the server’s way of saying sorry you hadn’t found what you were searching for.

Typical Reasons for 404 Errors

  • When a link points to an out-of-date page, it is said to have broken links.
  • Moved material: A 404 error notice may appear to visitors if the material is moved without the appropriate redirect.
  • Incorrect URLs: Errors in the URL might take users to pages that don’t exist.

404 Errors’ Effect on SEO

Decreased User Experience

Users become irritated with 404 errors and may decide to quit your website, which is bad for business. Ensure all the hyperlinks properly enhance the user experience and help keep visitors interested. Regularly updating and auditing your content can prevent these errors and maintain user trust.

Increased Bounce Rates

Users who experience 404 errors frequently leave your site, increasing your bounce rate, which can harm your search engine results. You may lower bounce rates by regularly scanning your website for broken links and fixing them as soon as possible. Creating tailored 404 pages with helpful navigation options is another way to improve user experience and boost visitor retention.

Loss of Page Rank

If search engines regularly come across 404 problems when indexing your website, they may devalue the ranking of your page. Your SEO may be enhanced by regularly offering a positive user experience by repairing broken links. Make sure that all of the links on your website, both internal and external, are active to maintain excellent search engine rankings.

Identifying 404 Notations

Using Google Search Console

You can continue to keep an eye on and manage your website’s exposure in Google search results using the free Google Search Console tool. When there are 404 problems on the site, it can notify you.

Employing Website Crawlers

Screaming Frog, along with similar tools, may crawl your website and find broken links, resulting in 404 errors.

Monitoring User Reports

Sometimes, the best way to find errors is through user feedback. Encourage visitors to report broken links.

Simple Fixes for 404 Errors

Let’s look at some simple fixes for those obtrusive 404 errors. We’ll start with user-level activities and move on to website administrator-level actions to be sure everything works as it should.

Fixes for the user:

  1. Verify the URL: Often, a 404 error is due to a small typo. Double-check the URL for errors. 
  2. Reload the Page: Sometimes, a simple refresh can resolve the issue if it’s a temporary glitch. 
  3. Use the site’s search Feature: If it doesn’t work, try searching for the page with the search bar. 
  4. Start from the Homepage: Use the menus or links on the homepage to find the appropriate page if the straight link doesn’t work.

Fixes as a Web administrator:

Let’s talk now about the backend actions you may do to fix 404 issues and maintain the accessibility and SEO optimization of your site.

  1. Restore Deleted Pages: Pages can occasionally be inadvertently deleted. If they are still necessary, restore or recreate them. 
  2. Fix Broken Links: To find and fix broken links, do regular audits with tools like Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, or Google Search Console. 
  3. Set Up 301 Redirects: To maintain your SEO when transferring pages, utilize 301 redirects to transfer visitors from the old URL to the new one. 
  4. Create a Custom 404 Page: A well-designed 404 page featuring a search bar, a message board, and connections to frequently visited pages may enhance the user experience. 
  5. Enhance Thin Content: Minimal content pages may be interpreted as soft 404 failures. Add more valuable content to these pages. 
  6. Use Correct Error Codes: The website informs search engines that the page is inaccessible by producing a 404 or 410 response code rather than a 200. 
  7. Redirect Appropriately: To improve user experience, all removed pages should be forwarded to the most pertinent pages instead of the homepage.

With the help of these techniques, you can effectively fix 404 issues and keep your website operating at its best for users and search engines.

Stopping Upcoming 404 Errors

Regular Website Audits

Audit your website often to identify and address 404 problems before they become an issue.

Maintaining URL Structures

Keep a consistent URL structure to minimize the risk of broken links.

Using Plugins and Tools

Utilize plugins and tools designed to detect and fix broken links automatically.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Continuous Monitoring

Keep an eye on your website using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to catch errors early.

Using Analytics Tools

Analytics tools can help you identify possible problems and offer insights into user activity.

Periodic Updates and Checks

Ensure everything is working properly on your website by checking and updating it frequently.


To maintain a good user experience and sustain SEO performance, we need to fix Error Code 404 quickly. You may lessen the effects of these mistakes and guarantee a flawless surfing experience by carrying out routine audits, providing user-friendly 404 pages, repairing broken links, and putting up appropriate redirects.

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A 404 error: what is it?

When a webpage is moved or destroyed without a redirect, the server returns a 404 error. This happens when a webpage cannot be found on the server.

What impact do 404 errors have on SEO?

404 errors can affect SEO results since they increase bounce rates and tell search engines that a user’s experience isn’t up to standard.

How can I make my website’s 404 errors go away?

Employ resources such as Google Search Console to fix Error Code 404, fix broken links, restore deleted pages where necessary, and generate personalized 404 pages including useful navigation.

What makes personalized 404 pages crucial?

Custom 404 pages improve the user experience by increasing visitors’ navigation and minimizing the likelihood that they will leave your website.

How can I stop 404 errors from happening again?

Utilize technologies to automatically detect and repair broken links, conduct regular audits of your website, and keep consistent URL structures.

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