Can’t See Your Google Exact Match Ads? Here’s How to Fix It Fast!

can't see my google exact match ads for keywords

You are not alone if you have ever run Google AdWords campaigns using exact match keywords and never seen your advertisements appear. This is a problem for many advertising. You can save time, money, and frustration by understanding why can’t see my Google exact match ads for keywords and how to address the issue. It will give you some standard explanations of why it is and steer you toward fixes that will make your ads operational again.

Why can’t I see my Google Ads that precisely match my keywords?

One of the best advertising systems, Google Ads; there could be a variety of reasons why things are going amiss with regards to how advertisements are showing on your website. Some of the main reasons why exact match ads for keywords may not be showing are:

Low Search Volume for Keywords

Probably the most common reason why your exact match ads do not show up is that you might have keywords with too little search volume. Google Ads will only show an ad for keywords that have reached a minimum threshold of searches, and if those keywords you picked don’t get that minimum threshold, then nothing shows up at all.

  • Using the Keyword Planner of Google, you can determine your keyword search volume. When this volume is very low, then it is good to opt for broader keywords, or at least related long-tail keywords which would have higher traffic.

Low Ad Rank or Quality Score

Your ad rank is one of the most critical factors in determining whether or not your ads will be displayed. Google calculates ad rank based on three main factors:

  • Your bid refers to the amount you’re willing to pay for each click.

  • Ad quality (based on your ad’s relevance, user experience, and expected click-through rate)

  • Landing page experience (how relevant and user-friendly your landing page is)

If your ad rank is low, it may not allow your ads to show up, even for exact match keywords.

  • Improve your Quality Score by optimizing your ads for relevance. Write clear, concise ad copy that matches your keyword intent.
  • Focus on providing a great user experience on your landing pages, ensuring fast load times and relevant content.

Budget and Bidding Issues

Your budget and bidding strategy may also be affecting whether or not your exact match ads are showing. If your campaign’s budget is too low, Google may prioritize showing ads for more competitive keywords or ads with a higher bid.

  • Increase your budget so that your ads have enough funds to be shown.
  • Adjust your bidding strategy. Consider increasing your bids to improve your chances of winning the auction.

Ad Approval Issues

Google enforces strict guidelines regarding ad content. If your ads or keywords violate any of Google’s ad policies, your ads may be disapproved and won’t be shown.

  • Go to your Google Ads account and check the status of your ads. If some of your ads are disapproved, read specific reasons for why they were disapproved and correct them.
  • Check that your ad copy and landing page comply with Google’s ad policies.

Negative Keywords

Negative keywords make sure your ad does not pop up on non-relevant searches. But by adding too much negative keyword might inadvertently stop an ad from displaying for an exact match keyword in your campaign.

  • Always review the negative keyword list added to the account and make sure that it was not inadvertently locking out the required search term by the user.
  • Adjust your list of negative keywords to prevent loss of potential relevant traffic.

Wrong Match Type Configuration

The only searches for which the keywords in question will actually trigger ads should be the ones that match your keyword or very close variations. However, it is sometimes possible for the algorithm to interpret the intent differently when there are minor variations in your keyword or search query. On top of that, if you have somehow mistakenly set your match type as broad or phrase, your exact match ads could miss showing up when you want them to.

  • Double-check that your match type settings are correct. Ensure that your keywords are set to exact match and not phrase or broad match.
  • If you want to include slight variations of your exact match keyword, such as plurals or misspellings, you can use close variant match types.


A low click-through rate from your ad tells Google that maybe it doesn’t matter whether the ad appears because no users seem to care. If no user seems to click your ad, your ad rank can get a negative effect because your ads aren’t visible anymore.

  • Edit your ad copy. Improve its appearance so it could become relevant enough for the targeted audience. Place keywords inside the headlines and description of the ads.
  • Test different versions of your ads through A/B testing to determine which performs better.

Competitiveness of the Keyword

If you’re bidding on highly competitive keywords, your ads may be less likely to show up due to intense competition. Exact match keywords often trigger ads from multiple competitors, and if your budget or bid isn’t sufficient, your ad might not appear.

  • Utilize keyword research tools to analyze the competitiveness of your exact match keywords.
  • Use long-tail keywords or even more niche terms that have fewer numbers competing against them. They can be very cost-effective while still highly relevant.

Campaign or Ad Group Paused

The most simple reason why your ads won’t show is if the campaign or ad group with the exact match keywords is paused or deleted.

  • Check that your campaign is active and that no ad groups have been paused. If they are, activate them to start running your ads.

Search Network vs. Display Network

Google Ads campaigns can run on both the Search Network and the Display Network. Exact match keywords typically show on the Search Network, but if your campaign is set to the Display Network, your ads may not appear as expected.

  • Ensure that your campaign is targeting the Search Network if you’re aiming for exact match ads.

Time of Day and Geographical Targeting

Your ads may not be showing because of your ad scheduling or geographical targeting settings. If your campaign is set to only show during certain hours or in specific locations, your ads may not be visible when you’re searching.

  • Verify the ad schedule to ensure that your ad has been set to display during the times you expect.
  • Verify your location targeting and ensure you are targeting the right geographic areas.

Keyword Relevance and User Intent

Google’s algorithm is heavily reliant on user intent. If your exact match keyword has low alignment with what the users are searching for, then Google might not show your ad.

  • Reevaluate the importance of your keyword. Ensure the keywords you employ match the intent of the users and the message on your landing page.
  • When targeting a specific niche, utilize more specific words.


There are a number of possible causes for not being able to view your Google exact match advertising for keywords, from low search traffic to insufficient keyword targeting. You can make sure that the correct people see your advertising at the right moment by taking care of the previously listed criteria, such as raising your ad rank, modifying your bidding tactics, and checking your keyword match types.

Only through trying different keywords, bids, and ad techniques can you optimize the efficiency and performance of your campaigns.

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